Shark bites and kills young man in Sonora


The 22-year-old man lost his life after being attacked by a shark while fishing for scallops in front of Tojahui beach, Sonora.

The State Civil Protection Coordination reported that the 22-year-old man lost his life due to a shark attack while fishing for scallops in front of Tojahui beach.

The state dependency added that the body of the man, identified as Víctor Alejandro, was taken by his fellow fishermen to the Yavaros pier.

“The young man was a free fisherman and did not have a shark repellent bracelet,” the agency said. In the face of this tragedy, the state Civil Protection together with municipal authorities reiterated the call to fishermen to coordinate with Sagarhpa to be properly registered and have the necessary preventive measures to carry out their activities.

After the incident, Red Cross personnel determined the death and reported that the victim had the detachment of one of his lower limbs, according to Proyecto Puente. It is worth mentioning that, at the beginning of the year, Oscar Ruiz Valdez, director of Civil Protection, warned the population, especially divers, to take precautions against the white shark attacks presented in the area.

Source: Aristegui Noticias