U.S. Consulate ‘strongly advises’ against travel to Rocky Point, Sonora


The Lukeville-Sonoyta port of entry from Arizona to Sonora is closed, and U.S. consular officials are “strongly” discouraging Americans from traveling to Rocky Point, a popular beach destination in Sonora.

The updated advice, released on Wednesday, states that visitors should travel in Sonora only during daylight and warns that “U.S. citizens should avoid alternate routes through Sonora when going to or from Puerto Peñasco.”

The only non-alternative route — Highway 8 from the Lukeville port of entry — is not available from Arizona during the port closure, so the main message is that Arizonans should not drive to Rocky Point at all.

The new notice also informs travelers that U.S. government staff can only access Rocky Point through the closed Lukeville port… Read full article here