Danza del Venado under the snow: the spectacular postcards this weekend in Sonora


This weekend the snowfall was intense in the northern and mountainous part of Sonora and in Nogales they took the opportunity to perform the ‘Danza del Venado’ with that white background

Once again the northern and mountainous part of Sonora put on its gala dress, as it looked in different parts of white, due to the intense snowfalls that have been registered in different municipalities, such as Nogales, Cananea and Agua Prieta, among others, in addition to the high part of the Sonoran sierra, which becomes, as always happens, a great spectacle of nature.

Taking advantage of these incredible landscapes, on Cerro de la Pirinola in Nogales, we found a representative of the Yaqui ethnic group, who performed a Danza del Venado under a very different scenario than the one usually used for this type of traditional ceremonies, that is, a desert one, and now with that white mantle it gives it another different touch.

And it is that the dancer seemed to blend in with the snowy hill, since he was wearing a white suit, and of course that series of indispensable accessories for this act, such as the deer’s head, the rattles and the tenabaris, in addition to that intensity to perform the dance, shaking his arms strongly and hitting the floor hard, in this case snowy.

It was the Facebook page “Clima Ing. Ismael Trujillo” where they shared this video, but also, we found other publications where different parts of the Sonoran territory covered by the snowfall are shown, even, some roads were closed by the large amount of snow that accumulated and that prevented the circulation of any vehicle.


Cananea the traditional place for snow in Sonora

All this phenomenon originated from the entry of cold front number 34 and the formation of the seventh winter storm, which has caused a drop in temperatures in that area reaching 5 degrees below zero, mainly in high areas such as the “Astrophysical Observatory Guillermo Haro” that is located on top of a mountain near the “City of Copper”.

Thus, we see scenarios like taken from a Christmas movie, with the kiosk of the Cananea square totally covered with snow, the fields, the streets, the whole town receiving that intense snowfall on the weekend, putting the population on alert for those who have activities outdoors.

In the mountainous part they did not lag behind and in fact in those tumbles it was where the lowest temperatures were registered, specifically in Yécora where they were at -9 degrees Celsius, according to the stations of the National Water Commission, shared on the social networks of the meteorologist Gilberto Lagarda.

Source: El Sol de Hermosillo