Young man from Hermosillo goes to Russia for aerospace contest 


Hermosillo, Sonora.- A student from the Technological Institute of Hermosillo (ITH) will travel to the Samara Aerospace University, in Moscow, Russia, to carry out a summer course in Nanosatellites, which will begin this Monday, August 28. 

This is Adrián García Robles, 23, who is a student of the ninth semester of the ITH Aeronautical Engineering Career, who left Hermosillo last Thursday, August 14, since his journey would have several stops before arriving in the Russian capital.  after having made a stopover in Mexico City and then in the United Arab Emirates. 

The student had to compete with 150 applicants from Latin America and pass the difficult exam on his first attempt, which they only take one a year and that gives him greater merit since those chosen generally pass it on the third attempt, on average, within the programs of exchange of the Russian Latin American Association (ALAR). 

He is the only student from Sonora and the first from ITH Aeronautics to pass it, and he had to work hard to be able to cover the expenses that the ALAR asked from him, such as registration, travel expenses, insurance, among other things, for which apart from continuing his studies, the young man had to work to get the money to make this intercontinental academic journey. 

Due to the geopolitical conditions that are currently experienced in Russia, the plane ticket to get there was more expensive than the rest of the other stopovers, so family, friends and some negotiations with government institutions supported him to be able to fulfill that great dream of entering this summer course. 

In a publication made by his mother, Mrs. Laura Robles, on social networks, she explains that Adrián worked hard to be as well prepared as possible, to make the most of the course and make a very strong contribution to his future in the aerospace industry.  

“He is very prepared for this course, he speaks Russian, and he is loaded with many dreams and illusions, since he knows that what he sets out to do can be achieved, because that is how he has defined himself in his life since he was a child, very tenacious, bold, brave , respectful, studious, restless, it is a young life but very focused on improving himself and giving his best, and I am very proud of you my beloved son, God bless you on your journey, ” she published. 

 Source: Opinion Sonora