Journalism under attack in Sonora: the story of Roberto Celaya

Roberto Celaya

Roberto Celaya faces repression and persecution for denouncing corruption in Sonora. His case reflects the danger of doing journalism in Mexico.

Mexico has become one of the most dangerous countries to practice journalism. Freedom of expression, enshrined in our Constitution, is constantly at risk, and the case of Roberto Celaya in Sonora is an example of how power can be used to silence critical voices.

The story of Roberto Celaya: repression and resistance

Roberto Celaya is a journalist who denounced irregularities for more than 15 million pesos at the Sonora Technological Institute. His investigations led him to file two criminal complaints:

First complaint: September 2, 2022 (SON/COB/FGE/2022/098/43471).
Second complaint: March 31, 2023 (SON/HER/FGE/2023/503/18056).

The reprisal: prison and censorship

Instead of investigating those involved, Celaya was absurdly accused of violating privacy by recording a video in a public office. He was imprisoned under preventive detention, although he later obtained an injunction and an exculpatory sentence.

In addition, he faces a new complaint for “threats” arising from the publication of a meme, which has led to the imposition of restrictive protection measures that affect his journalistic work and his daily life.

Corruption allegations at ITSON

Celaya filed several additional complaints against officials of the Sonora Institute of Technology:


In response, he has been subjected to harassment, repression, and threats, and his case shows how institutions can be used to persecute those who expose corruption.

The Sonora government is silent

The Celaya case highlights the inaction of the following state authorities:

Alfonso Durazo, Governor.
Adolfo Salazar Razo, Secretary of Government.
Gustavo Rómulo Salas Chávez, Attorney General.
Jesús Francisco Moreno Cruz, Deputy Attorney General for Investigation.
Roberto Tapia Valdez, Regional Delegate for the Southern Zone.

Despite knowing about the persecution Celaya faces, none of these figures have intervened to guarantee his safety or his right to freedom of expression.

National and international organizations have taken Celaya’s case as an example of the fragility of press freedom in Mexico:
Associations that support the cause

Article 19.
Inter-American Press Association.
Amnesty International.
UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Opinion and Expression.

The fight for freedom of expression

The case of Roberto Celaya does not only affect a journalist; it is a direct attack on freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.

Is it worth risking so much for the truth?

Celaya declared: Yes, it is worth it. I would feel ashamed to remain silent and submit out of fear and comfort.

Source: La Verdad

The Sonora Post