Puerto Peñasco hoteliers expect a good turnout for Labor Day

Esperan hoteleros de Puerto Peñasco buena afluencia por “Labor Day”

At least 60% of reservations are registered at Puerto Peñasco hotels; some of them even claim to have up to 90%, thanks to the fact that this weekend is Labor Day in the United States, according to personnel from the Convention and Visitors Bureau (OCV).

This is extremely excellent and with great expectations that the beaches will be full during this weekend due to the aforementioned day, which is next Monday, said Héctor Vázquez del Mercado.

The director of Las Palomas Beach & Golf Resort said that this date is very important for the sector and others that depend on tourism, directly or indirectly.

It means, he pointed out, the closing of the last summer vacation “bridge” and visitors from Phoenix, Arizona, mostly come to the Rocaportense beaches with a stay of several days, although they also arrive from Texas and California.

A very good occupancy is expected and in our case (Las Palomas) we are already above 90% of capacity and we thank God that, fortunately, this destination has remained peaceful, compared to other neighboring municipalities and that reassures its visitors.

“Starting this Friday (yesterday) tourists begin to arrive, but the busy days will be Saturday and Sunday. Monday is when they begin to return,” added Vázquez del Mercado.


The beaches of Sonora and the Pinacate Biosphere Reserve are the most sought-after destinations in the State for the long weekend of September 16.

The president of the Association of Tour Operators, Hosts and Tourist Guides, Julio Rascón, indicated that two weeks ago they began selling tours for this next “long weekend.”

It is estimated that the increase for this long weekend will be 15% compared to last year and most of them are local and national tourists.

Source: elimparcial