Sonora cockfighters speak out against ban on cockfighting

Galleros de Sonora se pronuncian contra la prohibición de peleas de gallos

Cockfighters in Sonora expressed their disagreement with the Animal Protection and Welfare Law that prohibits cockfighting.

At a meeting, cockfighters from different municipalities in the state defended cockfighting as a sport and an economic support activity for families.

Impact on the local economy

Benito López pointed out that cockfighting, which covers all activities related to the breeding and use of the fine fighting cock, is an expanding agroindustry that injects millions of pesos into the local economy.

“From specialized food to veterinary medicine and adequate equipment, cockfighting mobilizes a network of suppliers and workers committed to the well-being and development of these animals,” he said.

Frank Rivera mentioned that he hopes that the people who judge this activity have the knowledge and notions of what the essence of the cock’s behavior is.

“They judge us and become protective of something they don’t know about. They forget that they depend on the rooster. They don’t care. There are 200 families here who live here and love the roosters,” he said.

Source: expreso