Mexican authorities rescued 63 kidnapped migrants in Sonora


NOGALES, SONORA.- Among the 63 kidnapped migrants, 50 adults and 13 children were found in the Centro de Sonoyta neighborhood, in the state of Sonora.

Mexican authorities in Sonora rescued 63 migrants, the majority from South America, who were deprived of their liberty by organized crime groups.

A complaint from the Consulate of Ecuador alerted the State Security Board of the kidnapping of 30 Ecuadorian citizens, on the border between Sonora and Arizona.

Among the 63 people who were kidnapped, 50 adults and 13 children were found in the Centro de Sonoyta neighborhood, in Sonora.

The Sonora Attorney General’s Office reported that officers from the Criminal Investigation Ministerial Agency (AMIC) and elements of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena), National Guard, and Municipal Police.

“On April 25, a complaint was received by the Consulate of Ecuador, for the illegal deprivation of liberty of at least 30 Ecuadorian citizens, initiating an investigation file, resulting in the special operation, the rescue, healthy now except for 63 victims: 50 adults and 13 minors,” reported the Mexican authorities.

Of the rescued migrants, 43 are from Ecuador, nine are from Colombia, five are from Mexico, four are from Venezuela, one is from Peru, and one more is from the Dominican Republic.

Once released, the victims were treated by a forensic doctor, who confirmed their optimal state of health. In addition, the Sonora Prosecutor’s Office offered accompaniment and psychological care from the Victim Care Center (Cavid), and legal guidance on their immigration status.

For its part, the Specialized Unit to Combat Kidnapping continues with investigations into the events that led to the illegal deprivation of liberty of these people.

He indicated that the state ministerial authority seeks to identify who or who participated in the forced retention of migrants, while, so far, no arrest of any suspect related to these events has been reported.

Source: Lopez Doriga

The Sonora Post