Hermosillo and Guaymas, the most competitive cities in Sonora


Hermosillo and Guaymas were ranked among the cities with the greatest urban competitiveness in 2024, according to a study by the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness (IMCO).

According to the IMCO Urban Competitiveness Index (ICU), which detects the performance and challenges presented by each city, Hermosillo is among the most competitive cities with 500 thousand to one million inhabitants, while Guaymas is among urban areas with less than 250 thousand inhabitants.

Cd. Obregón ranks 17th among cities with 250 thousand to 500 thousand inhabitants. In the previous survey, Cd. O. was ranked 15th.

In this range, Nogales is ranked 8th.

According to IMCO, the capital of Sonora stands out in the average product per hour worked, in the lowest percentage of households that depend on water supplied by tankers, and the number of research centers in relation to the size of the economically active population.

From the perspective of this urban competitiveness index, Hermosillo’s challenges are to improve the indicators of vertical housing construction and to have a more sustainable water consumption.

In the case of Guaymas, the Sonoran port stands out for the number of research centers in proportion to its economically active population and the percentage of its educational coverage of the population.

Also, according to IMCO, it has the smallest income gaps by gender. However, it emphasizes that “there are gaps to close in the victims of accidents related to transportation, as well as in law due to the level of its homicide rate.”

Source: infocajeme