The first generation of students begins classes at the University of the Yaqui People 


For the first time, in the town of Vícam there is a university to receive young people who want to continue studying; classes began last Monday for the first generation. 

The University of the Yaqui People (UPY) received 213 students from eight towns: Loma de Guamúchil, Loma de Bácum, Tórim, Vícam, Pótam, Ráhum, Huírivis and Belem, as well as other communities surrounding the territory. 

Aarón Grageda Bustamante, Secretary of Education and Culture in Sonora, shared that the creation of this institution is part of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s commitment to this indigenous people. 

Likewise, he stressed that the students themselves will be the ones who promote a development model according to their particular needs. 

The campus has an arts and crafts area where interested persons can learn English, Yaqui, and the creation of handicrafts such as traditional masks, embroidery, and basket weaving, among other activities. 

  Source: Proyecto Puente