A message alerted Cecilia Delgado Grijalva, leader of the collective Buscadoras por la Paz Sonora, about the site where they had to dig; it was a region they already knew, the same one that another anonymous message had pointed out to them a year ago and that led them to rescue human remains from eight clandestine graves. On this occasion – one kilometer away – the search yielded 39 graves and counting.
The site that the message indicated was at kilometer 20 of Highway 26, very close to the city of Hermosillo and nestled in the Sonoran desert. The collective began the search on January 28 and immediately the bodies emerged from the clandestine graves.
Accustomed to years of searching for their missing relatives, to recognize the disturbed land, the members of the collective, accompanied by the Guerreras Buscadoras of Guaymas and Empalme, by personnel from the State Search Commission (CEB), the National Guard, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and the Criminal Investigation Ministerial Agency (AMIC), pointed out the areas where during the first day they located 26 clandestine graves with 27 skeletons. An illegal and criminal cemetery in the middle of the desert.
By January 29, the number of graves increased to 35, Cecilia Delgado indicated on her social networks and called on the relatives who are looking for their missing relatives to go to the corresponding institutions to verify if among the remains rescued there are signs of their loved ones.
This Thursday, January 30, the third day of searching was completed and the number of clandestine graves rose to 39, with 40 skeletons. In an interview with this media outlet, the leader of Buscadoras por la Paz stated that the number of victims is not exact, since not all the graves have been completely excavated and analyzed and that some of them could contain the remains of two or more people, as was the case with one of the findings.
Not far from the clandestine cemetery that Cecilia Delgado found thanks to an anonymous message, in November 2020 – the 24th to be exact – a positive day of searching yielded a 95 percent probability that the remains found belonged to the son of the Sonoran searcher.
A lock of hair, the braces and the clothes that José Ramón Martínez Delgado was wearing when he disappeared – or rather, when police aboard patrol car 076 (according to information from journalist Héctor de Mauleón) took him out of his business and took him away – confirmed that the search for her son had ended. It was the afternoon of December 2, 2018 when Cecilia Delgado died in life – according to her own words – and the leader of the Buscadoras por la Paz collective was born, a group that has already recovered more than 400 bodies, although the challenge and horror of Sonora forces them to search for another 5,028 missing people, according to official data.
Source: infobae