Horseback riding is banned in Sonora; anyone who wants to do so will have to ask for special permission

Prohíben las cabalgatas en Sonora; quien quiera hacerlo tendrá que pedir permiso especial

The Sonora government issued a new Animal Protection law that officially prohibits horseback riding. Those who want to do so will have to ask for a special permit and meet a series of requirements.

This new reform was sent by Governor Alfonso Durazo, and establishes that in addition to a concession, if obtained, a veterinarian will have to accompany the entire route.

Authorization will also have to be requested to carry out rodeos, rodeos, horse races and even to ride children on ponies.

According to the new Animal Protection law, only in some areas of the state will the use of horses as a work tool be allowed. Therefore, carts pulled by these animals within the city will disappear.

Cockfighting and breeding, and bullfights will also be penalized.

Although this law protects animal welfare, it also affects Sonoran customs and practices regarding the use of animals for work or entertainment. In addition to generating economic losses.

With this new law that prohibits horseback riding in Sonora, the state government is forced to create new special bureaucratic structures for the protection of animals.

An example of this is the permit that will have to be requested from the Animal Protection Department, which has not yet been created, despite the fact that the law was approved last week.

Source: dossierpolitico